Saturday, May 21, 2011

Band Aids

The bicycle was traveling down the hill at an increasing rate of speed. Although the child rider attempted to slow its movement, the bicycle raged on. “Oh no! A curve!” she shouted and could see her pending fate. As much as possible she applied the brakes, managed the wheel, and tried to slow herself down. But, it was all to no avail, and as the curve finally arrived, the bicycle and the girl tumbled over and slid around the winding road. Scratches, scraps, a cut and an immediate bruise accompanied the fall, and finally the little bicycle came to a halt. The little girl cried, “I need a band aid! I need a band aid!”

With a rushing frantic action, the little girl's mother came to her side. “Honey, are you okay?” she asked with a panic tone. “Yes, mommy, all I need is a band aid.” The mother wiped the little girls tears, picked her up, took her inside, and began to wash the wound. She quickly found her band aid box, and to comfort her daughter she asked, “Now what size band aid do you want?” “A big one mommy, cause I don't want to see any parts of my scrapes.” The mother took out the largest band aid in the box, wiped the wound one more time, and applied the oversized band aid. “There, now it's all gone,” said the mother as she hugged her daughter. “It's just like it isn't even there,” the little girl responded.

Later that evening while the little girl was playing with her dolls in the living room she could hear her mother and father quietly discussing the difficult time they were having making ends meet with the economy in its damaged state. The news was on television in the background where the little girl was playing, and the commentator said, “What is going on now with the economy is a band aid, and a band aid is what we need at this stage.” “Mommy, mommy,” the little girl shouted excitedly, “everything is going to be alright! They put a band aid on it. They put a band aid on it, and now it is gone away!” To which the father took his stack of bills and asked the mother, “You got a big enough band aid to make these go away?” The mother took a dish towel, placed it over the top of them and said, “There, they're gone.” The mother and father chuckled with unbelief and went to play with their daughter.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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