Sunday, May 29, 2011

Going Beyond the Barriers

How much may be known? Is there more to her than meets the eye? What is it about him that makes him tick? If there was an x-ray machine that looked into the soul, what would their true character look like? Is there any device that goes beyond the barriers of the exterior and sees within the soul? Who really knows what is going on in the mind of that person, and what are the facets and ideas that drive them, move them and put them into actions? Sometimes, a person needs to go beyond the barriers.

Most have seen them, and a few will pursue them. Who? The quiet ones; the ones to whom no one really gets to know; the ones whose secrets are deep within. They roam among mankind wanting to be known but not knowing how to be. Their dress is different, for it is all they have. Their ways are different, for it is all they know, and their thoughts are not like the rest for they filter from another stimuli. Who will reach them? Who will care? How does one manage to go beyond the barriers?

Listen. Listen carefully. Their whispers are faint and yet loud. Their cries are many and yet quiet. Their wounds are deep and still open, and their pain restricts them from further exposure. They hide behind quick glances, and should they be encountered, their heads lower. “No more pain. No more pain,” screams from their quiet souls, and fresh deterrents become their embrace when engaged.

Someone must see beyond the barriers. Someone must care beyond the walls. Someone must be concerned enough to penetrate walls of rejection, defense and restriction. Lest they be lost, lest they be wanderers and drifters resigned from mankind. Who will see beyond the barriers? Who will go beyond the walls? Who will be concerned? Who will be concerned? Who will be concerned?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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