Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Herkamer and Gertrude and The Ring

Herkamer and Gertrude were rocking together on the front porch swing of their humble little home when they began reflecting about their engagement. “Do you remember, Herky, when I used to want you to give me a ring?” Gertrude asked as Herkamer pushed the floor to make the swing rock again. “I sure do, “ answered Herkamer, “and I remember how much you and Bobbie Sue used to talk about getting a ring all the time.” Gertrude chuckled as she remembered, “I know. I know. I just wanted a commitment. That's all.” Herkamer put his arm around her, looked into her eyes and smiled to which she asked, “What was it that pushed you over the edge to ask me anyway?” “Well, to tell the truth, I went to see Brother Hadley,” responded Herkamer. “Brother Hadley?” Gertrude answered incredulously, “What did he have to say?” Herkamer began the story.

“I was getting very nervous about being married. Not because I didn't love you, Gerty,” Herkamer began, “It was just the idea of being married that scared me. I don't know why really, but it did. So, I decided to go see Brother Hadley about it. Of course when I pulled up into his driveway he was on the front porch whittling like always, and he stood in his old bib-overalls as I walked up.” Gertrude acknowledged Herkamer's description with a chuckle and a smile, as he continued. “Boy, how are you? Brother Hadley greeted me in his typical southern style, and he me asked, “What's eatin' at you today,” I began to tell him about my little fear of being married, how much I loved you, and all that, and then I discussed the idea of living together for a while before we got married. It didn't take long for Brother Hadley to answer. He said, “There's a lot of folks out there who want to ride the roller coaster without paying the price of admission, and many wonder why they should buy the cow when they can have the milk for free.”

He continued, “Son, let me tell you, just because it's popular doesn't make it right. There was once a whole herd of sheep who followed a lead sheep over a cliff just because he fell off, and when it comes to marriage, marriage is the commitment not just some falling into.” He continued, “Marriage is not for sissies, nor is it for people who can easily quit. There's been a few times over the years that my wife and I have had troubles and arguments that I wondered if one of us was going to come out alive, but no matter what, we stuck it out. That's because we were committed. I know if one of us could have walked out, we would have. Marriage is the commitment” he repeated.

Gertrude was listening intently when she asked, “So how did that help you to make the decision to give me the ring?”

Stay tuned tomorrow for more of the story. Same blog time. Same blog spot. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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