Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ripples and Echos


There thus stood I the pond below

sat quiet and unmoved

when thought did rise a pebble thrown

would make the water swoon

So venture then to find a stone

quite small but fitting round

did drop the rock upon the pool

and rippled tranquil bounds

Then true as thought might thus occur

the waves began to form

quite large at first and then decreased

were rushing to the shore

My captured mind reminded then

of echo rambling sounds

for once put forth within the world

forever will abound

And on and on the tone of words

eternal nature be

continued through the universe

reminders of decrees

But what if ripples mimic acts

and deeds to mankind done

affecting hearts and minds of those

the stones been cast upon

And echoed words of daunting waves

thrown deep within the souls

quite n'er forgot and oft repeat

forever now doth hold

The deeds and words committed errs

once done cannot retract

the idle speech must give account

once said cannot take back

For by thy words thou thus condemned

or justified by speech

and every man t'will thus be judged

by deeds he did impeach

Then heart bowed low my mind in tune

and sadness seized my soul

of rippled echos I produced

'pon tranquil states I stole

Oh deep regret of insults made

ne'r more to be retrieved

for on and on my words prevail

throughout eternity

And lest my mind be too much fraught

of pebbles speech I'd thrown

reminded of the Master's touch

to cleanse my downbeat moan

That with my words He could make right

and turn my deeds toward gain

to speak and act in blessed ways

repent from way of pain

Since as the bad so be the good

the ripple echoed sounds

go on and on to bless for all

the people they expound

And then did I with stone in hand

and words within my mouth

beg to forgive my every act

caused pebbled echos drouth

So bless do I with written words

greet all who read this verse

consider these a deed for you

grace mercy stones rehearsed


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