Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another MRZ CENTER Outreach Story - Covered Toes

His clothes are disheveled, and his hair is unkempt. It's been a while since he's had the opportunity to bathe, but nonetheless he still continues on. Although it is a little embarrassing for him to come inside the MRZ CENTRE, he makes the effort anyway to walk through the lobby. He signs in, and as he does, one of the volunteer receptionist and welcome crew notices that his shoes have holes in the front of them. “Inside,” she tells him, “you can get another pair of shoes.” A smile grows over his face as the news of new shoes was what he was hoping for today.

He walks through the small hallway toward the garage and waits with the others in line to join the food line just ahead. He takes one grocery bag and makes his way through all the wonderful groceries that are available inside the open garage. But then, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the area in the back left of the large open room, and the shoes are there. He immediately ambles over to the area where he is greeted by Steve and Therrel who ask him how they can help him. He says, “I need me some new shoes.” To which Steve and Therrel answer, “well, we can help you. Sit right here.”

The man sits in a chair where Steve and Therrel have him remove his old shoes. They offer to wash his feet, and though he is embarrassed somewhat, he allows them to do so. They tell him of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and how He said that the disciples were to follow His example of serving. Steve and Therrel offer the man new socks, and then find his new pair of shoes, and as soon as they are on, the man jumps up, says “Yay!” and thanks Steve and Therrel.

He takes his bag of groceries, picks through a few clothes, and walks happily out the door with his new shoes on, and says, “I now have covered toes!”.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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