Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Fresh Start

The stories are rampant, and the lives show the fallout. She now has his truck as part of the divorce settlement, and he now divides his 401k. He's back to work after years of retirement, and she's back to school to try to make it in the marketplace. She has the kids during the week, and he gets the kids every other weekend. He now has alimony and child support to pay, and she has to make ends meet on very little money. Lives, simply lives, altered and in need of a fresh start.

Television ads that promote fresh starts are abundant, and they tell someone how to meet the “love of their life.” Some send the message of compatibility, and others offer fun times. They boast, “If you'll drink this, or go here, everything will be okay, because when you use this product or go to this place, all your troubles disappear and life begins again.” The difficulty lies in the longevity of such times. They come, and they go, and what is left after the glow is emptiness again.

So, what is one to do when life has turned the tables, altered the pathway, or changed direction for a person? How does one get a fresh start? First, evaluate the current state. Be honest with what is left, and do not pretend to believe that what was there, still is. It is gone, and only fragments are left. Second, decide what those fragments are. Each piece is vitally important to the rebuilding process. Third, begin to rebuild. Although the life that is rebuilt will not look like the previous one, it can still be a very effective life. Sometimes it becomes greater than the original. Finally, learn to be at peace with others and within. Wars and fightings only impede the progress for renewing a life, and if one continues in battles, destruction of the fragments that are left continues. Simply, let them or it go, and begin a fresh start.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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