Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Perfect Expectations

A mother is seen correcting her child. “Honey, don't stack that. Don't touch this. Do it this way not that. Put it over there. Do not go in there. If you ever try that again, I will spank you. Put your hands down., etc., etc., etc.”, and so goes the ongoing task of trying to make a child behave. But are there times where it goes too far? Are there times when the expectations are perfection? Does the perfection expected really thwart the insides of the child so that he or she is much less than perfection managing life itself?

There once was a man who took a psychological test to determine the type of personality that he was. After answering the questions and turning in his paper there was an evaluation made. The result? He was a perfectionist. Now, when the psychologist revealed the outcome of the evaluation, the man protested, “I am not a perfectionist. I do lots of things that I do not care if they are done perfectly or not.” To which the psychologist replied, “Right, you are not a perfectionist yourself, but you demand perfection from everyone around you.” The psychologist was right, and the man slinked away.

Sometimes people need a break. Sometimes the standards must be high, but there also must be a relief valve that recognizes humanness. If there is no room for a child to make an error, the result will be either a rebellious or an extremely prideful adult who brings more imperfection into a world that is filled with erroneous personalities.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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