Monday, August 8, 2011

Just in the Nick of Time

A family was traveling down a major street when suddenly their car began to skid. Although the rain was slight, it was just enough to wet the roads and an attempt to stop and avoid the car in front of them was now a potential wreck. Just before the collision, the father of the family decided to try to move into the oncoming traffic lane and turn into a side street that was just to the left of them. He pulled the steering wheel and made the move. However, there was oncoming traffic and now a head on collision was a great possibility. Just in the nick of time the car ridden in by the family swerved to miss the car in front and the oncoming traffic too. Their car rolled easily into the side street just as they planned. The father wiped his brow, the family caught their breath, and everyone of them thanked the Almighty for His provision just in the nick of time.

Some decisions are like that story. Everything seems to be going okay one moment, and then it looks like a wreck could be ahead. Maybe it is in business. Maybe it has to do with a relationship, and because the future cannot be seen, there could be an accident avoided if one never chooses that route.

Most know the song, “I thank God for unanswered prayers,” and anyone who now has the advantage of 20 20 hindsight appreciates the value of those words. Sometimes those avoidance moments are given just in the nick of time to relieve a person of days, weeks, months or years of regrets, and sometimes those regrets last a lifetime. When those moments come, wipe the brow, catch a breath, and thank the Almighty for His provision just in the nick of time.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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