Friday, August 19, 2011

Credit Card Rebellion of One

A man was thinking about his use of his credit card when he came up with an interesting idea. It seems that every time he uses his credit card, the credit card company makes money off the vendor from his purchase. Simply because he uses his credit or debit card, some company that is not even involved in the transaction other than use of their card makes money. How? The credit card company takes a percentage of the sale from the vendor, and sometimes it is as much as three or four percent. This man has begun a rebellion. This man has begun a “Credit Card Rebellion of One.”

For example, let's suppose this man makes a one hundred (100) dollar purchase from a vendor with his credit card. After the credit card company credits the vendor's account, the vendor only actually receives ninety seven (97) dollars if there is a three percent charge. That vendor essentially pays for the customer to use their card. Now, if cash is used, the credit card company gets NOTHING, and the vendor gets one hundred percent of their money. The vendor then has more money to purchase supplies, hire new workers, etc., but if the credit card company gets it, then the vendor has less money to use. Think about when there are billions spent every day using credit cards! The percentage value is outrageous! This should begin a revolt. This deserves a rebellion!

Not only do the credit card companies make money off the vendor, they then turn around and make exorbitant interest rates off the consumer for their use of the cards. “Rebel! Pay the cards off! REBEL, do not use the cards!” yells the man who has begun the rebellion. This revolt might be a “Horton hears a hoo” moment, but maybe this man's small voice will get some to think, and the money will stop going into the hands of credit card companies and into the hands of those who can turn the economy in the right direction. Maybe those who do not receive nor ever will receive a “Bail Out” will begin to see as this man does the value of making sure the right people get their money rather than those who call for “help us poor credit card companies out” when their money is gone.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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