Sunday, March 6, 2011


She stood by the fence with her favorite players just a few yards away. They seemed so close, and yet they were so far. The crowd alongside the fence with her had a few hecklers within it, and many of them just wanted a little acknowledgment of their presence. However, barely a glance was made, in fact, it was as if the crowd wasn't even there. Although the icons had great significance, they were not very accessible at all.

Accessibility. It's such an interesting word that has emotional attachment. Great stars, great players, great greats and the like tend to limit the amount of access they give to others. For some, there is good reason because of the society within which we live, however, there are those who seem to be somewhat, whatsoever they are makes no matter, who deem themselves just a tad better than others. Their access level is often like that of a president or king, and they barely manage or direct even a few people.

The question of the day is, “When others consider the reader, do they deem the reader accessible?” Are there barriers either either real or imagined that keep people at a distance? Do others feel comfortable just walking up and having a conversation? Would they see the reader as one in which they could trust some of their most intimate details or a few of their most sad moments?

There are probably a few leaders, bosses, directors, owners, ministers, and public figures who would do themselves well to realize once again that they put their pants on the same way as everyone else: one leg at a time. Coming down from the ivory towers and imagined royal thrones by being accessible would recognize theirs and others humanity once again rather than believing that somehow they have been elevated to the position of gods. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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