Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Recording

A man finished a phone call with an associate, hung up and was going about his day when suddenly his phone rang again, and it was another call from his associate. After greeting him several times, the man realized his associate had accidentally dialed him, and the man listened while the associate berated him, called him names, and spoke about what a fool he was. The trouble was that the associate did not know he had called the man before he began to make all those charges. In other words, it was if the man was listening to a live recording of what the associate really thought of the man.

What if every word, every thought, and every action in which anyone ever involved themselves was recorded? What if every curse word, every maligning thought, and every atrocious action were to be taped like a movie, and there would be the ability for the movie to be shown for all the world to see? Would there be anyone who would show up for their own “premier”? Would there be anyone who would desire that everyone everywhere see the presentation of their lives over the last, say ten years? How about five? How about one? What if it were a presentation of just the last week? Would the recording be desired to be seen then?

A movie of each person's life, a recording of every man, woman, boy or girl's manner of living, or a TiVo taping of each and every thought and action might be embarrassing to some, regretful to others, and revealing to most. Maybe a consideration of this overheard message would be beneficial, “This life will be recorded. Every idle word, thought and action can and will be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand the words that have been written unto you?” Live “recordingly”. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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