Saturday, March 5, 2011

Displaced Fury

It's boiling beneath the surface, and the steam is building pressure. This goes wrong here, and that goes wrong there. This is in the way, and that is impeding. Above all the rest, he said this, and she said that. Suddenly, the tea kettle of the soul cannot take any more, and BOOM! There she blows! Immediately this creature that has been simmering like a quiet volcano explodes with words and actions that would embarrass even the greatest of drill sergeants. The people in the room, the furniture, the walls, and even the cat are not safe from the displaced fury of the one who has “had enough”.

Humans are marvelous, aren't they? To have things go their ways all the time, without any failing, altercation, back talk or hindrance keeps them basically quiet. There isn't a whole lot to be furious about when everything goes the way one wants it. However, that isn't possible. Something goes wrong. Some way isn't just right, or some person doesn't do it the way he or she should, and that's when the fury steps in.

The interesting part about displaced fury is that usually someone or something else gets the brunt of the anger from the aggravated individual. It's like the old “kick the cat” theory: The boss yells at a husband, who goes home and yells at his wife, who turns and yells at her child, and the child kicks the cat. Down the line it goes. From one level to the next the anger dwelling within spreads like wildfire through a sun dried forest.

So, who's been kicking the cat, punching the walls, peeling the tires, breaking the dishes, stomping the floors, yelling at the kids, screaming at the television, or acting like a raging lunatic? Maybe it's time to have a little time of moving away from displaced fury and have a little replaced rest instead. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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