Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day After Day After Day

A young man sat with his legs dangling off an old dock that was situate over a quiet lake. His head was down, and underneath his breath he whispered, “What's it all about anyway?” Somewhere within his teenage soul trouble had come, and the search for life and its meaning came to the forefront of his exploring little mind. It just seemed that he went from one day to the next to the next to the next without really knowing why. Time was slipping by, and now with his “long time experience with life”, he could not reason it out.

Sitting a few feet away was an older man whose gray hair showed that Father time had visited him for many years. He watched as the boy mumbled, and couldn't help but hear him the few times that the boy muttered out loud, “What am I here for? And Why do I exist anyway?” Finally, when the older man couldn't resist any more, he interjected, “The fact is, you are.” Startled just a bit, the teenager turned to older man's direction with a blank stare and heard once again, “The fact is, you are.” To which the boy replied, “Sir, what do you mean?”

The older man smiled and helpfully responded, “So many people worry so much about why they are here, what their purpose is and such as that when they should just realize “they are”, and that should be enough to continue.” The boy listened as he proceeded, “My boy, the key is to realize that you have to take day after day after day after day to just be. Some things will be good, and some things will be bad, but just be.” The boy bowed his head in thought for just a moment, looked up, and the older man was gone. As much as the boy looked he could find him no where. The puzzled boy wondered until he realized that the older man was just himself in the future pushing his soul along and encouraging him to get on with living. Sometimes, a person just needs a good talking to from the one he listens to the most. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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