Monday, March 21, 2011

Herkamer and Gertrude

From time to time, a couple comes along who are irresistible to the public and must be followed. Herkamer and Gertrude are such a couple. Herkamer and Gertrude are a middle aged couple with witty ways, and happenstance occurrences that most individuals easily identify with in their own lives. Troubles, trials, difficulties and intense situations are present in everyday life, and having a model couple to laugh at, cry with, marvel at or emulate helps a person in his or her own circumstances. Examples are few in this day, and yet are an extremely necessary. Thus, allow this introduction to: Herkamer and Gertrude.

Herkamer was on a diet, and after four days, he already lost three pounds. His passion, however, was for Doritos and chocolate covered almonds. On his way home one day, his wife Gertrude called him and asked that he bring home some milk. Herkamer complied with the request, hung up the phone, and immediately went into panic. He knew the only store on the way home was the grocery that had Doritos and chocolate covered almonds on the row that leads to the milk. After some thought, he came up with a plan.

Herkamer decided to walk around the isle on which the Doritos and almonds were located, but after grabbing an unneeded basket when he entered the store, he couldn't resist. He decided to go talk to the bag of Doritos and speak to the box of almonds. There he stood, looking as if he was talking to himself, but was speaking to the Doritos and chocolate covered almonds. “I am stronger than you. You cannot beat me. In fact, I am so strong that I am going to put you in my basket, and then put you back.” He put the two temptations in his basket, and went to get the milk.

Stay tuned for the end of the story tomorrow. Same blog time. Same blog page. Until tomorrow...Why Say more?

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