Monday, March 7, 2011

Restitutional Fees

The red light camera systems are working wonderfully, especially if the party involved is the government. One individual working with the lighting system reported that the system located in the center of town raises between twenty and forty thousand dollars every forty-eight hours. That is quite the sum for one intersection, isn't it? Maybe they are on to something. Maybe there should be “fees”, “violation fees” for every wrong that a person does. Maybe there should be restitutional fees.

Let's see, how about if they charge ten dollars per white lie, twenty five for a fib, and fifty for a full out lie. Then another ten could be charged for taking a pen or pencil from work, twenty five for removal of coffee, paper goods or office supplies, and fifty if there was a blatant removal of an item that wasn't the property of the one who removed it. Of course, then there is the “biggies”: a hundred dollars could be charged for every lustful look, a thousand for every inappropriate touch, and if all out adultery is engaged, one hundred thousand! Now, let's look at battery to murder: an angry word would equal ten dollars, a fight would allow for a thousand, and a war, oh, it would have to be millions. The list could go on and on such as gossip, backbiting, cheating, etc., but the reader can fill in the rest.

In other words, if this is implemented properly, the entire national debt would probably be paid off in a day, maybe two, unless someone else knows something about human behavior that the writer does not know, but then again, if that is so, then the writer must be fined for writing propaganda that solicits thought beyond that which is the norm. If so, the writer is guilty, and how much is that restitutional fee? Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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