Friday, March 25, 2011

Herkamer and Gertrude Buying Carpet

Gertrude was restless, and after three hours of spring cleaning, she decided to sit down and watch a little television. Her selection was the latest popular version of “your house isn't good enough” otherwise known as the number one decorating show, and as they began to tell her what was in and what was out, Gertrude began to believe. It was rather religious of sorts, and the doctrine of “you are not good enough, and neither is your house” prevailed.

Gertrude began to look around at her own house. This wall looked blank, and that one needed a fresh coat of paint. This accessory was outdated, and that one was ready for the garbage years ago. She moved one item, then another, and like a mother bird arranging her nest, she displayed, displaced and discarded item after item. Oh, the room looked fine, but that carpet. That carpet was outdated, stained, and ready for the trash heap. What in the world would she ever do about that nasty, old carpet? She decided there was only one solution to her restlessness, and that was to tell Herkamer they needed to replace the carpet.

The anticipation of Herkamer's arrival home from work grew moment by moment, and as the clock slowly ticked, Gertrude began to work on her speech about the carpet. The first decision would be about the approach: Should she use the pout or the tears? Should she use the force or the “I've already made the decision and you better align with it”? Maybe she could use the “Baby, you know what I'll do if you” plan of attack or the “I'll cook your favorite” idea. Maybe she should just ask, nah, that never works because he thinks everything is fine just like it is.

As she was deciding, she heard Herkamer's car pull into the driveway. She quickly primped herself, and decided to meet him at the door. Herkamer's hand grabbed the front door handle, twisted the knob, and...

Stay tuned for more of the story tomorrow. Same blog time. Same blog page. Until tomorrow...Why Say more?

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