Saturday, March 26, 2011

Herkamer and Gertrude Buying Carpet Part 3

Herkamer couldn't believe the day he had just endured. The boss yelled at him; he had a flat tire on the way to work; he received a warning from an officer because of speeding from being late; a woman nearly slammed into him at a traffic signal, and now, now, after breaking his coffee cup while trying to fumble with the keys to the locked door of his house, his precious wife greets him with, “Herky, can we get new carpet?”Of all the welcome homes that Herkamer dreamed of when he was dating Gertrude, “Herky, can we get new carpet” wasn't one of them.

Herkamer thought for a moment before he answered. He remembered things like listening to his wife, hearing her heart and not just her words, consider her love language, etc, but just decided on, “Let your yes, be yes and your no be no”. So, he said bluntly, “No”, and walked toward the back of the house. “No?” questioned Gertrude frustratedly, “What do you mean, no?” she asked. Herkamer just kept walking. Gertrude was always amazed at how Herkamer could hear a package of food opening from across the room, but can't hear a word from her when she's right in the room.

Gertrude followed him, and began to make her pitch. “But Herkamer, this carpet stinks and has been in this house for over four years.” “So we'll have it cleaned” Herkamer replied in an annoyed tone, even though he was doing his best to ignore her every statement. “We have already done that two times, and every time the color doesn't change. It is still ugly beige, and I don't like it”, Gertrude argued and began to pout. As she was grabbing his arm to get her attention, Herkamer said“You know, if you will get on the floor and swing your hands and kick your feet that fit you are having will be a lot cuter.” With that, Gertrude's face turned to rage. She stared at Herkamer with steaming eyes, started to leave the room, turned to him and said...

Stay tuned for more of the story tomorrow. Same blog time. Same blog page. Until tomorrow...Why Say more?

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