Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Revelation of the Underpinnings

The young boy overheard two older gentlemen discussing the state of the country when the one man said, “There is no need to worry, the underpinnings are properly in place, and should there be a disaster, those who are in charge will immediately be called into action.” To which the counterpart responded, “The way they did in Indonesia, or Chernobyl, or three mile?” “Oh, no” said the first man, “I'm talking about when the koolaid tray spilled at last week's soccer game.”

Isn't it amazing how topics can change from the serious to the sublime in just a moment of time? One supposes a conversation is about important developments, however, he or she only finds that importance is relative. Generally what is discovered in the importance is not only the underpinnings of the actual event, but rather that which sustains the individual. Some say that minds are like waffles which are compartmentalized and only able to jump from one category to another, and others are like spaghetti where multiple thoughts are tangled all together and shifting from one place to the other. Whichever the process, what makes an individual stand is that which is within.

One person said, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”, and for certain that which drives a person is often revealed by the words they use. So when the torrents rage, and the bottom line is under siege, what are underpinnings relied upon? Will they withstand the onslaught, or will the tsunami of despair reveal that there isn't much foundation at all. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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