Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just a Simple Thank You

Thank you. Just a simple, “thank you” may be a forgotten trait, but nonetheless important. Where expectancy and demand replaces gratitude and permission, often “thank you” is out of the picture. “Bring me my cup of coffee. Now” is said to the waitress, and “what is taking you so long?” is asked angrily of the attendee at the fast food restaurant. Sometimes even the computer gets yelled at for taking such a long time...doesn't it?

Who can remember the time when parents taught their children by saying, “What do you say?” whenever someone gave them something? Has respect for another person's giving by acknowledging with a “thank you” just vanished from the culture, or is it hidden and so rare that it just doesn't appear except as a whisper anymore? Are there not a few teachers, coaches, mentors, ministers, parents, lawmakers, directors, bosses, leaders and such who might be due a simple “thank you”?

Perhaps in this day of “I need this so you should just provide it for me and do so without complaint” ideology, there would be a benefit to digression into a day when it was almost as imperative as breathing to say “thank you”, and thus will the writer. The writer wishes to thank all of you from the bottom of his heart for all the times that he should have said “thank you” and didn't. May this writing be an apology as well as a notice should he have omitted, forgotten or neglected to say “thank you” upon any occasion for which the simple “thank you” was due. Thank you, dear ones, thank you. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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