Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sweep in the Corners

Yard blowers have become one of the greatest inventions to the person who has the task of raking leaves. Why, one can use a yard blower for just about any job that needs a little attention to detail. For example, who needs to sweep any more? Just take out the yard blower and away the dirt and dust fly from a porch. If there are cob-webs up on high, take the yard blower out and knock those babies out. Are leaves gathering on the roof or piling within the gutter, just take out the old handy yard blower, climb a ladder, and off they go! This gives new significance to sweeping in the corners even if they are in the mind, for even those corners are not so much trouble to handle.

But then, electricity goes out, and the old electric yard blower is powerless. Fuel prices shoot through the roof for no apparent reason other than fat cats need to get fatter, and the cost of blowing gets expensive. Then there is the aging problem. When a person is twenty five, climbing those ladders are not such a challenge. When he or she is seventy five, there may be a problem or so to consider. Is it not amazing how those pesky corners always seem to have their paths of resistance available?

Maybe, the old broom, that now sits alone and is lonely according to the commercial, might just need to be picked up once again. Maybe the calm, slow, methodical consistency of the sweep, sweep, sweep will be just the right solution for removing the dust that gathers in the corners of one's mind. Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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