Saturday, July 2, 2011

At the Threshold of Freedom

“It's through that door” said the elderly gentleman to the young inmate. “That door?” asked the nearly free occupant. “Yes, that door, just beyond the threshold.”. Inquisitively the captive looked through the door and realized there was indeed something different on the other side of the opening. “There must be a crossing first, then freedom is yours,” said the older patron and added, “you have to cross to the other side, and there is no other way to get there until you go through that one door.”

“And freedom is on the other side?” asked the young man once again to reassure himself. “Yes,” began the older man once again, “Freedom like no other. Freedom from debt, freedom from demand, freedom from bars, freedom from chains, freedom from oppression, freedom from institutional demand, freedom from responsibility, freedom from bill collectors, and freedom from all the opposition who desire to keep you in a catatonic state.”

The young man stared once again at the orifice with such promise, and asked, “Then why do so many not walk through?” The senior man put his hand to the side of his head and began to tap his temple with his index finger. He pondered for a moment and responded, “too much risk.” “Too much risk?” asked the young interested prisoner and added, “There is no one to stop you.” “Oh yes there is,” replied the old man, “You, can stop you. The door is wide open, and all who are willing may step across the threshold, but too many choose not to because they enjoy the security they feel here, and thus, they never know freedom.”

“Wow,” said the young man, “Who are you anyway? You look familiar.” The older man looked intently into the younger man's eyes and said, “Take a very close look.” To the simple boy's surprise, he realized that the older man was in fact himself after years of never moving through the threshold.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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