Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Plates and Screws

There once was a man who fought in the Korean war. His plight was as fearsome as a warrior in the army could have. His capture by the Koreans was frightening, and the thoughts of torture and demise tormented his mind. Suddenly, with a small opportunity to escape, Bob, the now courageous private, takes advantage of one guard, and he is gone. Another watcher comes by, and he too is accosted. One by one Bob takes out his enemies, until he finally has a chance to run. Immediately alarms sound and the chase is on.

After running with all his might Bob suddenly sees a nearby pond. He takes his chance, dives into the pond, grabs a reed and sinks below the surface. His only breath comes from the small hole in the tube, and his chances for survival are depending on his lack of discovery. Overhead he can hear his would be captors yelling and suddenly firing their guns in and around the water. All of the sudden a piercing pain is felt in the top of Bob's head, and as he reaches the area Bob recognizes that he is wounded. He is well aware of his need for medical aid, however discovery would lead to certain death.

Bob holds his wound with his right hand and the reed in the left for what seemed like hours. Silence breaks in, and Bob believes himself to finally be alone. He has averted the captors, and he slowly rises out of the water.

Nearby the gunfire has attracted fellow soldiers, and when they see Bob rise out of the water, they come to his aid. The wound on his head is immediately noticed, and repair is imminent. The brave comrades lift Bob to carry him, and take him to be treated.

The wound required plates and screws. The wound healed. The wound was a reminder of the battle from days gone by, and the wound kept Bob from ever entering those battlefields again.

Interesting. Where are the plates and screws within others lives that remain as memories for never entering those battlefields again?

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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