Thursday, July 14, 2011

Servant to the Lender

The famous Disney movie “Snow White” captures the majority of the lives in the employment world when the dwarfs sing, “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work we go.”, and thus another day “at the bone yard” begins. The difficulty with most today is that the largest portion of their earnings for their efforts go to two main sources, taxes and lenders. Taxes are inevitable with only the amount or percentage changing from time to time, however, the portion attributed to the lenders may or may not be apportioned. As an old saying goes, “the borrower is servant to the lender” and those who understand this concept will soon desire that the chains be removed.

Each hour worked and every dollar earned has a certain percentage that is being used to pay toward debt whether interest or principle, and the only way to be released from that obligation is to default and not be a person of one's word or pay the debt off. Each debt removed is like removing a binding Lordship, and the obligation to answer to those “Lords” will be dissolved. No more phone calls, no threatening letters, no monthly invoices and no further correspondence will have to be entertained at the point of repayment. In other words, the prisoner is set free.

Until then, two things are advisable. Number one, target the most restrictive and demanding “Loan”. (Or lord as some might be better off seeing it). Usually the most restrictive and demanding are those high interest credit cards or secondary loan situations. Secondly, be restricted from any further loan situations unless they are absolutely necessary. Every time a person signs an agreement to repay he or she is obligating him or herself to another servant role. In fact, a good song to remember is, “Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to being a servant again I go.” At least then a person will realize what they are really obligating themselves to when they agree to the loan. Be no longer servants, but be free.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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