Monday, July 18, 2011

Swing and a Miss

One of the favorite phrases spoken in baseball is “swing and a miss.” The saying is shared when a batter attempts to hit a pitch that is thrown but misses the ball completely. Some of these attempts end with a strike-out, and others are ones that are leading to another throw. When attempting some ventures, if one dares, there will be times where there is a total “swing and a miss.” Unless a person stops playing the game completely, he or she doesn't have to allow the missed pitch be the last. No, for many, the failed attempt is just another opportunity to step to the plate once again.

How about it? Has there even been an “at bat” or is there only conversation and speculation as to what one would do should he or she ever step into the rectangular box? Most do sit as spectators, but they always know how the game should be played. Most never even grab the bat, but they can tell how to swing it, and most never even enter the game and rather than enter the game, they simply sit comfortably on their couch or office chair with the all the correct answers and plays.

Oh, they will sound smart, but their actions are contrary. They will always have a smart alec comment, but their resume' is deplete of attempts. In fact, most never even know what it is to “swing and miss” because they never have the heart to face the hard ball.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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