Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pediatric Meltdown

There she stands in the middle of the isle in her favorite discount store. Three kids are surrounding her and all of them are pulling on her and asking her to buy them something. She wrestles her shopping cart past the crowds, and finally reaches the isle where the item she has bee looking for is located. Then it happens. The self is bare; the item is sold out, and now she looses it. Suddenly the torrent of words and flailing of arms begins. She rants about the traffic. She bombast the kids. She curses the store and all its employees, and she stomps her feet in a violent tirade. She is having a pediatric meltdown, and she doesn't care who knows it.

Or, he's been waiting for this game for weeks, and the big day is finally here. He' s bought the chips. The drinks are in place. The time is off from work, and now he settles in to his couch to watch the big affair. Then, it happens. The cable goes out, for the fifth time this week, and the television is fuzzy. He grabs the remote and mashes each of the forwarding buttons while talking to the television as though it could answer. “What's the matter with you?” he asks forcefully. “You stupid piece of junk!” He yells again. Still, no television. No Game, and every part of his plan is ruined. He reaches for the phone, but the dial tone isn't there. He grabs his cell phone, but the service is out. Now he yells at his phones, the animals in the house, the couch, the television and everything abound him. He is having a pediatric meltdown to the ninth degree, and he doesn't care who knows it.

What about the reader? Has he or she seen such a meltdown lately? Maybe in traffic? Or the boss? Or the person waiting in line at the tag office? Or at the counter in the local fast food place? Where shall the next pediatric meltdown appear? Over here, over there, on twitter, maybe facebook or some other technological devise? Meltdowns, meltdowns appear every day, and as long as there are humans, they'll be in the pediatric way.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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