Friday, July 1, 2011

Elephant Trying versus Training

“I tried to stop smoking, but I just couldn't.” “I tried to lose the weight, but just haven't been successful.” “I tried to make up with her,but there was no way.” Is it not so interesting that phrases like these are heard every day about problems that are as large as elephants in their minds. People trying here, and people trying there. People trying this, and people trying that. The effort behind “trying” with great intensity, and trying with very little effort at all is that neither one usually reaches the goal. There is, however, a better plan than “trying.” “Training” implements a schedule, a series of goals, a pattern for behavior that over time is much more likely to obtain the end point that one has in mind.

Discipline is not usually a word that people enjoy hearing. They don't want to focus on acquiescing to some set of rules, guidelines or ways of behavior. Restricting certain foods, limiting smoke breaks, beginning reconciliation practices are not high on the “I'd like to do that” list. Putting a person's personal physical desires under strict control usually raises awareness for the body rather than limiting it. It's sort of like telling someone not to think about a pink elephant. No matter how one “tries” there is a pink elephant in each reader's mind right now.

The key to being successful at the goal desired is to take it and break it down into very small goals. One person said “you can eat an elephant no matter how big he is as long as you do it one bite at a time.” It may take a while, but the elephant can be eaten.

Here is a couple tips: Recognize what the elephant is; Break down the elephant that one is “trying” to be eat into small little pieces. Don't “try” to eat too much at once, rather “train” to be disciplined in the effort for that small piece; and keep eating until the elephant is gone.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Jesus, for using Ray to remind me to BREAK IT DOWN! :>
    PAPA'S Blessings to you & your family, Pastor Ray!
