Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sabotaged Monotony

The story is told of men who would cut off their pinkie fingers in a large fender press because they could collect three thousand dollars and two weeks vacation. Another man took the cut outs from the fire walls from motor vehicles and put them in the engines of new Buicks on an assembly line. This caused every seventh engine to fail. Another man would urinate in every sixth batch of pickles because it would take about that long to have to go again. /(Think about that one the next time they are on a sandwich.) Why? Why in the world would anyone anywhere think of such sabotage? Why would anyone risk a finger, destroy an engine, dis-flavor pickles to put it lightly? Monotony.

Day after day after day doing the same thing over and over again. Pick up the steel, pull the lever, allow the press to work, pull out the fender, put it in a pile; or punch the holes, save the disks, throw them away, punch the holes save the disks, throw them away; or pull the tub, mix the solution, sift out the bad pickles, push the tub away, pull the tub, mix the solution, sift out the bad pickles, push the tub away...day, after day, after day, after day. Some are tired just thinking about it, but it's a job right?

Somewhere along the path a line is crossed, and insanity sets in. How does one who has such monotony do anything about it? How does the pattern alter and the programed response and reactions change? Simply do something different? Drive a new way to work? Take a break at a different time? Look for another job? Change work out programs? Move to another town? Take a trip to the beach, mountains or Disney? Whichever it might be, the key is to sabotage monotony before the monotony sabotages you.

Until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...Why Say Why Say Why Say More?

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