Friday, July 8, 2011

MRZ CENTRE Outreach Grandfather of Five

Time has been kind to the round faced gentleman who graced the doors of the MRZ CENTRE Outreach. His plight for being there was driven by his son and daughter in law being incarcerated. Now, without any prior notice, he has five grandchildren to feed and clothe. They've moved in with him because there is no other place to go, and now while on a dump truck driver income he wonders from where the means will come.

That Saturday embodied relief. That Saturday meant that he could make it by. That Saturday at the MRZ CENTRE Outreach, he could find some resources to help. Oh although the food and clothing did not meet all his needs, they were temporary aid to assist him to feed and clothe the ones he loved. His smile and appreciation were all the thanks he could offer, and they were all the thanks he'd need.

MRZ CENTRE Outreach is more than food and clothing. MRZ CENTRE Outreach is more than a building or books. MRZ CENTRE Outreach is an opportunity for people to help other people make it by in these difficult and trying times. Those who volunteer there know, and those who attend there know. By far, this grand-father of five knows, and the others who walk through those doors on every second and fourth Saturday at least for a few moments relish neighbors being neighbors once again.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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