Friday, July 22, 2011

Every Idle Word

He said this, and she said that. They said that thing, and those people said that. So many words spoken, and so many words shared. How is it that communication has come to such an incredible height? Did you hear what she said? Do you know what he told us? When we were with her the other day she talked about this, and when they were with him he talked about that. Words, words, everywhere words that seek to communicate, seek to convey, and seek to allow others to know what is inside, but what if there was an accounting for every word? What if a person was recorded for every single phrase? What if there was a reconciliation day for every idle word?

How many words would be spoken if there was a genuine accounting for every idle word that is said? How many people would be debased, put down or ridiculed? How many times would political bantering be silenced or demagog like rhetoric be squelched? Would conversations be less in length, tainted with grace, and more to the point? Would court rooms be more silent, classes less verbose, and meetings shorter in time?

There is an old saying that applies, “It is better for someone to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Maybe today, more will be said with less words to account for whenever the day of idle words appears.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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