Saturday, July 16, 2011

In the Dark Hour

Every morning it lurks just before the sunrise. Stars have disappeared, and the moon's reflection is absent from the scene. Without the aid of light, the blackness of the night has overtaken the scene like fog on a mountain in the early fall. Quiet overtakes, and only nocturnal creatures scurry about. It's the dark hour.

For moment or two, one wonders what should it be like if this hour were to be at all times. History recorded a time when the darkness was so intense that a person could feel it. It's the blackness of the night that surrounds and makes anyone steeped within it believe that there shall be no light at the end of the tunnel for not even the tunnel can be seen. Blindness prevails, and though one open his or her eyes wide, only the night can be seen.

The world, however, goes round and round, and fortunately there is the promise of the sun. It is indeed the darkest just before the solar ball makes its appearance, but it is sure to make its rise. That which is pitch-dark now will be illuminated, and those who maintain during the dark hour are sure to enjoy clarity very soon.

Until tomorrow...Why Say More?

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