Monday, August 19, 2019

Given Up to Vile Affections Romans 1:26

Paul the apostle told the church members in Rome about people who did not “glorify” or “thank” God, “changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever”, and in chapter one and verse twenty-six of Romans, Paul told with the church members how, “God gave them up unto vile affections” where we read:

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:
for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

The verse begins, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:” Paul began with the word, “For” or “through, by reason and account of” “this cause” which refers to “the fact that people changed the truth of God into a lie” “God” which refers to “the Godhead bodily and trinity which is comprised of God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit” “gave them up” which means “delivered them up treacherously” “unto vile” or “to dishonorable, ignominious and disgraceful” “affections” which means “calamities, mishaps, evil, and depraved passions”. Paul shared how God “delivered” those who “changed” His “truth into a lie” over to “evil and depraved passions”.

The verse continues, “for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:” Paul added the words, “for even” which means “because and since as” “their women” or “the females who were among these who changed the truth into a lie” “did change” which means “exchanged” “the natural use” or “the inborn and governed by the instincts of nature” “into that which is against” which means “into that which is opposed or opposite of” “nature” or “the natural order of things which is distinctive and peculiar” to women. Paul told how these who rejected God as the Creator and “changed the truth of God into a lie”, altered the “natural” way a woman was to be.

When we consider these words of Paul, we see how he began to be specific concerning those who “changed” God's “truth into a lie”. Women who were unbelievers in God's way began to alter the “natural” way a woman was to be. This is normal for those who reject God and His ways. Those who refuse to receive God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ become a “rule” unto themselves, and whatever they decide becomes the rule of the day. Though God has made everything and has guidelines for living, there are those who reject Him and make their own rules. The women written of by Paul were this way, and there are many who do the same today. Jesus Christ came to “change” the “unchangeable”, and there is “salvation” with Him who died on the cross for every sin. Let all who read Paul's words take heed and know, God loves them and desires to have a relationship with them no matter what they think at the present time.

Next time Paul tells the church members, “likewise also the men...burned in their lust one toward another”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then,

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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