Monday, July 20, 2020

The Missing Puzzle Piece

Upon the straights of great confines

where herein walls close in

what venture could I find about

the closet puzzle bend

A picture thus that I might make

of scrambled puzzle piece

the edge the sky the darkened scene

from work I cannot cease

And piece by piece and edge by edge

the picture came to be

a tree a boat a river stream

a mountain range I see

A red house here, a blue one there

a buttress sailing boat

the tractor field of fresh grown corn

a castle guarded moat

The sky of blue a troubled zone

for pieces all seem same

but one by one I struggle through

till optic shelter came

Till final piece I need but lay

and scurry all about

but those who branded puzzle box

have left this piece without

And though I look from sea to sky

no extra piece I find

location of the final part

no one soul can define

And finally I rest the case

exasperated me

they've left it out and now I'm sore

at puzzle makers glee

So call them up my anger filled

to let them know my mind

the manufacture of this maze

that troubled me in kind

And thus with call I make my case

and lodge forth my complaint

and have the tenants puzzle brand

bring forth excuse to make

And laugh did they at my dear plight

and tell me of their plan

to have the puzzle workers make

a call to their great brand

The final piece did they but keep

to force the maker's call

to have them send the missing piece

completion all in all

And mail did they my puzzle piece

the one I did not find

a hole within my graphic scene

my picture now aligned

So when a puzzle piece you miss

your picture incomplete

call the maker of the brand

He's waiting to entreat

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