Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Distributing to the Necessity of Saints and Hospitality Romans 12:13

Paul the apostle told the believing people in Rome not to be, “slothful in business”, to be “fervent in spirit; serving the Lord”. They were to be, “rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation”, as well as “continuing instant in prayer”. In chapter twelve and verse thirteen of Romans, Paul shares with the believers about, “distributing to the necessity of saints” and “hospitality” where we read:

Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.
The verse begins, Distributing to the necessity of saints;Paul began with the word, “distributing” which means “to come into communion or fellowship with, to become a sharer or be made a partner” “to the necessity” or “to the need, duty or business” “of saints” which means “pertaining to people who are pure, morally blameless or religiously and ceremonially consecrated”. Paul instructed his believing readers to “come into communion and fellowship” with those who are “pure and blameless”.

The verse goes on to say, given to hospitality.. Paul continued with the words, “given” which means “running swiftly to, pursuing and seeking eagerly and earnestly to acquire” “to hospitality” or “to be hospitable such as to entertain strangers”. Paul encouraged the believers to “pursue and seek eagerly” to be “hospitable” to others.

When we think through these words of Paul, we see more instructions given to the believing readers in Rome. They were to be in “communion and fellowship” with other Christians, and they were to be “hospitable” to one another. These who believed in Jesus Christ as their personal “Savior and Lord” were to become “partners” with one another and “seek” to “entertain” and care for one another as well. God Almighty desires a body of people who “come into communion” with one another, and when they care for each other's needs, they fulfill Jesus' command to“love one another”.

Next time Paul instructs his believing readers in Rome to, “bless them which persecute you”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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