Sunday, March 24, 2019

Differences of Administrations 1 Corinthians 12:5

As he continued his instruction concerning “spirituals”, Paul the apostle told the church members in Corinth, “there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit”. In chapter twelve and verse five of First Corinthians, Paul shared with the Corinthian church members concerning, “differences of administrations”, where we read:

And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

The verse begins, And there are differences of administrations, ...”. Paul began with the word, “and” which means “in addition, even, also and indeed” “there are differences” which means “there exist divisions, distributions and distinctions” “of administrations” which means “of offices, ministries and kinds of service”. In addition to “diversities of gifts”, Paul added there were “different kinds of service, ministries and offices” within the church.

The verse continues, “... but the same Lord.” Paul added the word, “but” which means what is about to be written takes precedence over what was just stated “the same” or “the identical and selfsame” “Lord” which refers to “he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master and the title given to God the Messiah”. Although there are “different” kinds of “ministries and services” within the church, there is “the selfsame” “Lord” who is over all of them.

When we consider these words from Paul, we see his notation of different ministries and services within the church. Although they vary and are many, there is only “One Lord” over them all. Jesus Christ is the “head” of His church, and He, through the “Holy Spirit” distributes the “spiritual gifts” and the “administration” of those “gifts” as He sees best. The church of Jesus Christ functions best when He not only oversees the church, but provides the blessing of “ministries and services” as well as the “spiritual gifts” by which it may prosper. Even so, Lord Jesus, give provision to your church according to your will.

Next time Paul shares with the church member how, “there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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