Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Image and Glory of God 1 Corinthians 11:7

Paul the apostle continued to share about how a man “praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head”, and he added to his instruction as he told the church members in Corinth, “every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven”. In chapter eleven and verse six of First Corinthians, Paul told the Corinthian church members how the man, “is the image and glory of God” where we read:

For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God:
but the woman is the glory of the man.

The verse begins, For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God:”. Paul began with the word, “for” which means “even as, indeed, no doubt, seeing then, verily and therefore” “a man” or “a male” “indeed” which means “truly, certainly and surely” “ought not to cover” or “is not in debt or due to veil” “his head” which means “the man's supreme, chief, prominent and principle part of the body”, “forasmuch” or “because and hence” “as he is the image” which means “the man is figure and likeness” “and glory” or “and the magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity and grace” “of God” which refers to “the Godhead bodily and trinity which is comprised of God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit”. Because “man” was the “first and direct” creation of God, Paul declared, he is the “representation of God's glory” and therefore should not “veil” his “head”.

The verse continues, but the woman is the glory of the man.” Paul added the word, “but” which is a disassociation conjunction that means what is about to be written takes precedence over what was just stated “the woman” which refers to “the female whether married, unmarried or widowed” “is the glory” or “the magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity and grace” “of the man” which refers to “of the male”. Paul referred to how the “woman” was “created” indirectly by God taking from “Adam's side” and making her from “man”. (See Genesis 2:21-23)

When we meditate upon these words from Paul, we see how he understood the “order” of God. “Man” was created by God directly, and the “woman” was created indirectly from the “man”. This “order” and “authority” was established by God, and according to the custom of Paul's day meant the “woman” should “veil” her “head” and the “man” should not “veil” his. As we shall continue to see, this in no way “devalues” either person, but rather establishes order and roles. May we all come to know the “authority” of Jesus Christ who desires to be “Lord” in all our lives that we might live with He who shall reign for all eternity.

Next time Paul tells the church members how, “the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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