Sunday, October 20, 2019

If We Hope, We Wait Romans 8:25

Paul the apostle told the people in Rome,we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope:
for what a man sees, why does he yet hope for?”, and in chapter eight and verse twenty-five of Romans, Paul told his readers, “if we hope...we with patience wait” where we read:

But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

The verse begins, But if we hope for that we see not, ...Paul began with the word, “but” which is a disassociation conjunction that means what is about to be written takes precedence over what was just stated “if we hope” or “whether Paul, his companions and his believing readers obtain joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation” “for that” which means “in that which” “we see not” or “Paul, his companions and his believing readers do not perceive, discern, observe and discover”. Paul presented his readers with the condition that they have “confident expectation” in things they do not “discern or perceive”.

The verse continues, “... then do we with patience wait for it.Paul continued with the word, “then or “therefore and wherefore” “do we” which refers to “Paul, his companions and his believing readers perform and execute” “with patience” which means “by means of and through steadfastness, constancy and endurance” “wait for it” or “assiduously and patiently look for it”. Paul shared how instead of already having what they look for, he, his companions and his believers “wait” for God's promise.

When we think through these words of Paul, we see how “waiting patiently” becomes the way for people who “hope” in things they cannot currently “perceive or understand”. Though the revelation of God's promise has not come to pass, it does not mean it never shall. God's seeming delays provide reason to have “hope” in that which He promises, and when a person puts their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of the promise of “everlasting life” becomes their ever present “hope”.

Next time Paul tells his readers, “the spirit helps our infirmities: for we know not what should pray for as we ought”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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