Thursday, July 23, 2020

Two Ducks and a Turtle

Twas peering at once upon life's pond

examining creatures of what they were fond

When notice two ducks of quite different sort

though look much alike contrast did cavort

The first he a planner particular kind

for each every detail that he had in mind

Must be known as fact no room for mistake

a ridged control of all he must make

And quite yet demand he of all that he sees

determined each moment must be his decree

And vary not once lest all be condemned

disrupt not one item no not one for him

And if yet one fail of all that he planned

his anger did top to not meet demand

For this his great venue and all must comply

get out of his way or bid him goodbye

When then took a notice the other duck seen

who seemed quite yet lazy the life he did lean

For nothing at all had he planned to do

react to whatever his life would lead to

No ridged forethought or constant demand

no effort to think or make such a plan

Whatever will be will be yet for him

for who needs the trouble to live on a whim

No notice events or places to go

react at the moment whatever doth flow

No transfer of knowledge to others around

they'll learn at the moment the need he has found

And hurried and scurried he'll rush all about

because he's not ready or planning things out

And anxious with haste he'll make an attempt

to complete that needs planning he held in contempt

But then to the side of pond's edge I see

a turtle who managed to look back at me

His way was forethought and careful with plan

to manage the troubles that his life demands

And yet thorough plan he must improvised

for that which doth enter to cause plan's demise

A cold interruption or sudden delay

to that which surprised him and spoiled his day

For he to demand and expect all go well

too great expectation without room to fail

and design interruption potential to be

reaction adjustment to all he doth see

And peace doth he find this turtle complete

for planning reactor makes his life replete

Thus plan and react as turtle displayed

to life's pond of mysteries and sudden delays

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