Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Against the Wind


Why standest thou oh feathered one

on sandy beach's shore

while gale assail and winds prevail

upon thy plumaged core

Against the wind thy pate be turned

in fear thy fate not faced

confronting not the fierce attack

to move thee from thy place

And upright fast in stoic pose

thy pillars wrest in fault

to keep thee in a brazen stance

and move thee from assault

Though beckoned call to move thyself

is made by ones who care

thou in thy stance has kept thy point

ignore that thou hast erred

But if thy will doth sudden turn

repent the other way

and face the wind that brings assault

and keeps thee in the fray

Thy ruffled feathers calmly lay

against thy body set

though winds contend thou fit again

whatever be thy threat

Thus turn around thou rustled one

whose feathers winds contend

to bring thee back to modal state

and facing thus the wind


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