Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bless the Persecutors Romans 12:14

As Paul the apostle instructed the believers in Rome, he told them not to be, “slothful in business”, to be, “fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” while “rejoicing in hope” being “patient in tribulation” and “continuing instant in prayer” as they were “distributing to the necessity of saints” and “given to hospitality.”. In chapter twelve and verse fourteen of Romans, Paul shares with the believers about what to do with, “them which persecute you” where we read:

Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
The verse begins, Bless them which persecute you:Paul began with the word, “bless” which means “celebrate with praises, invoke blessings upon and pronounce a consecratory blessing on” “them which persecute you” or “pursues in a hostile manner, troubles, molests, mistreats and harasses the believing people in Rome”. Paul exhorted his believers in Rome to “celebrate with praises and pronounce a consecratory blessing” upon people who “harass and mistreat” them.

The verse continues, bless, and curse not.. Paul added the words, “bless” which means “celebrate with praises, invoke blessings upon and pronounce a consecratory blessing on”, “and curse not” or “and do not doom or imprecate evil upon them”. Paul further charged the believers in Rome not to pronounce “doom” or “evil” upon those who “persecuted” them, but to “invoke blessings” upon them instead.

When we consider these words of Paul, we may be troubled in our souls as to how this instruction from Paul is even possible. Jesus said, “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:24), and this is exactly how Jesus lived. The only way this is possible is when a person receives Jesus Christ as their personal “Savior and Lord” and they are filled with His Holy Spirit. Power from God's Spirit provides the ability to obey this command, and when Christians yield their life fully to His Spirit, ability is found, and “blessings”, not “curses” may be given to those who “persecute”. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus (Luke 23:34)

Next time Paul instructs his believing readers in Rome to, “rejoice with them that do rejoice”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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