Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Description of the Waters Revelation 17:15

After showing John the apostle the “great whore” who was sitting upon a “scarlet colored beast” and was “arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls”, the angel asked him, “Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition. And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” In chapter seventeen and verse fifteen of Revelation the angel tells John about the “waters which” he“saw” where we read:

And he said unto me, The waters which you saw,
where the whore sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

The verse reads, “And he said unto me, The waters which you saw, where the whore sits, ... John began with the words, “and he said” which means “and the angel uttered, proclaimed and declared” “unto me” or “to John”, “the waters” which means “the fountains, pools, deluge and seas” “which you saw” or “that John perceived, noticed, discovered and discerned”, “where the whore sits” which means “in the place where the spiritually adulterous woman is seated, occupies and dwells”. The “angel” shared about these “waters” underneath the “spiritually idolatrous” woman.

The verse continues, “... are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. John added the words, “are peoples” which means “and the human beings both male and female, tribes, nations and all those who are of the same stock and language”, “and multitudes” or “and crowds, collections of people, troops and classes of people”, “and nations” which means “ethnic groups, multitudes of men and women associated or living together, tribes and people groups”, “and tongues” or “languages and dialects”. The “angel” told John these “waters” represented the people throughout the whole world.

When we consider John's words in this verse, we know specifically what the “waters” were which he saw. The Bible is the best interpreter of the Bible, and when the angel told John the “waters” represented the “peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues”, we know that is exactly what they were. God knows every person in the world, and He knows the differences between their cultures, ethnicity, races and tongues. He desires for people all over the world to have a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus, and Jesus Himself declared. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) May all who read these words receive Jesus as their personal “Savior and Lord” by yielding to His invitation to come to Him today.

Next time the angel shares about “the ten horns” John saw “upon the beast”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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