Saturday, April 13, 2024

Breaking in Pieces God's People - Psalms 94:5

In Psalms ninety-four the Psalmist asked, “LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph? How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?”, and in chapter ninety-four and verse six of Psalms the Psalmist said, “They break in pieces your people” where we read,

They break in pieces your people, O LORD, and afflict your heritage.

The verse begins, They break in pieces your people, O LORD, ... The Psalmist began with the words, “they break in pieces” or “they, the wicked, crush, make contrite and shatter” “your people” which means “your, Jehovah God's, human beings both male and female”, “O LORD” or “O Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name for the One True God”. The Psalmist referred to the way the wicked crush and shatter the “people” of Jehovah God.

The verse continues,... and afflict your heritage.” The Psalmist added the words, “and afflict” or “and oppress, humble, depress and make low” “your heritage” which means “your, Jehovah God's, portion, share and inheritance”. The Psalmist said the wicked also humble and oppress Jehovah God's inheritance.

When consider the words in this verse, we see how the Psalmist continued to make his appeal to Jehovah God to take vengeance upon the wicked. He said they crushed and shattered God's “people”, and they oppressed and humbled them as well. The Psalmist made his appeal as though he felt like God was not watching or did not know what was happening to him and his people, but God did. God's timing is not like our timing, and although it may seem for a while that wicked people prosper and brag about their evil deeds, God will judge them. God knows people sin, (See Romans 3:10,23) and we all needed a “Savior” or we would be perpetually separated from Him. He sent His Son Jesus into the world to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind, and when we yield to Him as our “Savior and Lord”, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and judge the wicked who do not receive Him according to His perfect plan, purposes and timing.

Next time the Psalmist says, “They slay the widow and the stranger”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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