Sunday, December 17, 2023

If There Be No Hell

If there be no hell

why all the dither

No fire avails

religion doth wither

No brimstone no heat

no darkness no pain

no lonely no terror

and warning be vain

Separate from God

be just a myth

the weeping and gnashing

of teeth is remiss

If there be no hell

why waste the time

why read the Bible

tis all just a lie

A plan of redemption

there be not a need

for all can live freely

without any creed

No Jesus no Savior

no God giving care

for all make their own laws

without any prayer

And why bear the cross

the beatings the blood

why wear thorn crown

evolved be thy mud

No need for forgiveness

we make our own rules

regard none for difference

or folly of fools

And why expend life

to seek to save others

why build the church

for sisters and brothers

If there be no hell

then what is the use

of helping poor man

without an excuse

Of pure preaching words

and talking of sin

for no one should care

thy error within

But hell it is real

and all must contend

for Almighty's judgment

the place it all ends

And stand before God

to give an account

every word every deed

every action surmount

Shall everyone give

the course of their life

the two-edged sword

shall cut like a knife

And only through Jesus

shalt thou escape

the hell made for Satan

before it's too late


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