Thursday, May 30, 2024

Murmuring in Their Tents - Psalms 106:25

In Psalms one hundred six the Psalmist said the people of Israel, “despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word”, and in chapter one hundred six and verse twenty-five of Psalms the Psalmist shared how the people of Israel, “murmured in their tents” where we read,

But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.

The verse begins, But murmured in their tents, ... The Psalmist began with the words, “but murmured” or “however, nonetheless, notwithstanding and moreover whispered, backbit, grumbled and rebelled” “in their tents” which means “within their, the people of Israel's, transient dwelling places, abodes and habitations”. The Psalmist referred to the way the people of Israel complained and grumbled within their temporary dwelling places.

The verse continues,... and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD. The Psalmist added the words, “and hearkened not” or “and did not listen to, perceive, understand or discern” “unto the voice” which means “to the sound, noise and proclamation” “of the LORD” or “belonging to Jehovah who is the existing One and the proper name for the One True God”. The Psalmist said the people of Israel did not listen to Jehovah God's speech and proclamation toward them.

When we meditate upon the words in this verse, we see how the Psalmist referred to the behavior and attitudes of the people of Israel toward Jehovah God. They complained and grumbled against Him, and they did not listen to what He had to say. God knows what is best for our lives, and it is foolish to “murmur” against Him and refuse to hear Him. God loves us, and He proved His love by sending His Son Jesus into the world to die on the cross and be raised three days later so that our sins could be forgiven. When we yield ourselves to Him, He will forgive our sins, cleanse us from all unrighteousness, grant us everlasting life with Him as He helps us to take heed to His advice and listen carefully to everything He has to say.

Next time the Psalmist shares how Jehovah God, “lifted up his hand against them”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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