Tuesday, June 18, 2024

No Mercy - Psalms 109:12

In Psalms one hundred nine David said speaking of his enemies, “Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. Let the extortioner catch all that he has; and let the strangers spoil his labor”, and in chapter one hundred nine and verse twelve of Psalms David said, “let there be none to extend mercy unto him” where we read,

Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children.

The verse begins, Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: David began with the words, “let there be none” or “allow and permit there to exist not one person” “to extend mercy” which means “to prolong, attract and continue goodness, lovingkindness and faithfulness” “unto him” or “to him, David's adversary”. David appealed to Jehovah God not to allow any person to provide goodness and kindness to his enemy.

The verse continues, “neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children.” David added the words, “neither let there be any to favor” or “no and not in any way allow or permit there to exist a single person to be gracious to, pity or stoop in kindness to” “his fatherless children” which means “his, the adversary of David's, orphaned offspring and prodigy who are without a father”. David wanted Jehovah God to stop any person from being gracious or kind to his enemy's offspring.

When we meditate upon the words in this verse, we learn how David did not want Jehovah God or anyone else to show pity upon his enemy, and he didn't want the offspring of his enemy to be given grace and kindness either. We can only imagine the disdain David had for this hating foe. God does bring judgment upon people who refuse to receive His Son Jesus as their personal “Savior and Lord”, but only have they have refused to receive Him over and over again. God loves us, and His desire is to have a personal, intimate relationship with us through His Son Jesus. When we surrender to Him, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and deal with our enemies and their offspring in a manner to which no one else is able to compare.

Next time David says, “let his posterity be cut off”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

See more devotionals on the website "thewordfortodaywithray.com" or look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, http://www.amazon.com ; http://www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at www.mrzlc.com/bookstore. All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


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