Monday, June 24, 2024

The Works of God's Hands - Psalms 111:7

In Psalms one hundred eleven the Psalmist speaking of Jehovah God said, “He has showed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen”, and in chapter one hundred eleven and verse seven of Psalms the Psalmist said of Jehovah God, “the works of his hands are verity and judgment” where we read,

The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure.

The verse begins, The works of his hands are verity and judgment;” The Psalmist began with the words, “the works of his hands” or “the acts, deed and labors belonging to his, Jehovah God's, hands of strength, power and might” “are verity” which means “exist as firm, faithful, sure, reliable and truthful” “and judgment” or “and justice, ordinance, process, procedure and litigation”. The Psalmist said the acts and deeds belonging to Jehovah God's powerful hands exist as truthful and just.

The verse goes on to say, “all his commandments are sure.” The Psalmist continued with the words, “all his commandments” or “each, every, the whole and everyone of his, Jehovah God's, precepts, statutes and appointed mandates” “are sure” which means “exist as supported, confirmed, faithful, upheld, nourished and established”. The Psalmist declared each and every one of Jehovah God's precepts and statutes to be faithful and established.

When we meditate upon the words in this verse, we see how the Psalmist declared Jehovah God's acts and deeds to be truthful and just, and every one of his ordinances and mandates are confirmed and upheld. God works in a truthful manner, and His ways are just. Every one of His statues stand firm, and not one of them fails. God's law was given to people so they may know God's perfect way to live, however, everyone has violated His law and thereby have become sinners who miss His mark of perfection. Because we have violated God's perfect law, we will die, and this is why we need a “Savior”. God sent His Son Jesus into the world to die on the cross in our place, and when we believe and trust in Him, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and allow us to live in His provision of statutes and mandates for all eternity.

Next time the Psalmist speaking of the works of Jehovah God said, “they stand fast for ever and ever”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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