Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wealth and Riches in the House - Psalms 112:3

In Psalms one hundred twelve the Psalmist said, “Praise you the LORD. Blessed is the man that fears the LORD, that delights greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed”, and in chapter one hundred twelve and verse three of Psalms the Psalmist said, “Wealth and riches shall be in his house” where we read,

Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endures for ever.

The verse begins, Wealth and riches shall be in his house:” The Psalmist began with the words, “wealth and riches” or “substance, high value, enough, sufficiency and money” “shall be in his house” which means “will exist within his, the person who reveres Jehovah God and delights greatly in his commandments, home, abode, dwelling place and habitation”. The Psalmist said sufficiency and money would exist within the home of the person who reverse Jehovah God and takes delight in His “commandments”.

The verse goes on to say, “and his righteousness endures for ever .” The Psalmist continued with the words, “and his righteousness” or “and his, the person who reveres Jehovah God and delights in His commandments, justice and what is morally correct and right” “endures for ever” which means “stands, remains, continues and persists for long duration, perpetually, continuously, eternally and everlasting”. The Psalmist said the moral rightness and correctness of the person who reveres Jehovah God and delights greatly in His commandments will remain eternally.

When we consider the Psalmist's words in this verse, we learn how the person who reveres Jehovah God, delights in His commandments and lives in an upright manner, will have “sufficiency and money” within their home. Their correct and right manner of living will remain eternally as they live with God. God loves people, and His desire is to have a personal relationship with every person through His Son Jesus. He sent Jesus into the world to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind, and when we yield our lives to Him, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and provide for us both physically and spiritually as we continue to live in His presence.

Next time the Psalmist says, “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

See more devotionals on the website "thewordfortodaywithray.com" or look for the daily devotional book “Equipped for Battle – From Generation to Generation”, the marriage book “So, You Want to Be Married”, “One Year in the Sermon on the Mount” and the new poetry book "Random Mushrooms Volumes I and II" and the new novel "Elizabeth County" in all major bookstore sites, http://www.amazon.com ; http://www.barnesandnobles.com ; download to e-books, and find it locally at www.mrzlc.com/bookstore. All references are from "Strongs Concordance".


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