Thursday, September 19, 2024

In the Day When I Cried - Psalms 138:3

In Psalms one hundred and thirty eight David said to Jehovah God, “I will worship toward your holy temple, and praise your name for your lovingkindness and for your truth: for you have magnified your word above all your name”, and in chapter one hundred and thirty eight and verse three of Psalms David said, “In the day when I cried you answered me” where we read,

In the day when I cried you answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul.

The verse begins, “In the day when I cried you answered me, ... David began with the words, “in the day” or “in the period, age or division of time” “when I cried” which means “at the time and moment I, David, called out, proclaimed, uttered a loud sound to you, Jehovah God” “you answered me” or “you, Jehovah God, responded, testified and tunefully made a declaration to me, David”. David referred to the time and moment that he called out loudly to Jehovah God, and God responded to him.

The verse goes on to say,and strengthened me with strength in my soul. David continued with the words, “and strengthened me” or “and importuned and made me, David, bold and sure” “with strength” which means “by the use of might, boldness and power” “in my soul” or “within my, David's, heart, mind, will, desires, conscience and seat of passions and emotions”. David shared how Jehovah God not only responded to him, but also provided him with power and might within his heart, mind and will.

When we meditate upon the words in this verse, we see how David referred to a time when he called out loudly to Jehovah God. God not only carefully responded to David, but also made him bold and powerful within his heart, mind and will. God loves people, and His desire is to have a personal intimate relationship with every person through His Son Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the world. When we surrender our lives to Him, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and give us might and ability within our hearts and minds to live according to His will and purpose for our lives.

Next time David says, “All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O LORD”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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