Friday, July 12, 2024


Line up! Line up! The Master calls

come one come all to meet

bring close at hand perfection state

without bar none replete

No err within no fault without

to pose before my throne

lest there be sin the sacred marred

the seed forbidden sown

And one by one the human race

a flawless never found

for all live guilty and undone

thus worthy to impound

But then alas the Master steps

the perfect takes their place

to punish Him the crucified

their wrong did He replace

Therewith belief removed mistakes

committed and prevailed

the Son of God His mercy shown

His grace that never fails

And now believers one by one

yet fixed with cancelled sin

before the mighty throne of God

His righteousness within

But non-believers stand there too

without a source or aid

to give account their sinful lives

the errors they have made

Depart from me the Master says

for thee I never knew

reject refusal to my plan

the Savior sent to you

And now the choice left up to thee

accept reject refuse

for all shall stand before the throne

condemned or cancelled choose


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