Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Passion of Mine

What is this drive down deep within

that pushes me every day

to win the lost at every cost

the price that dear Jesus paid

How stand I by without one care

and tears gush from my eyes

impede the end of non-belief

for those refused comply

For thus the truth n'er one exempt

and all shall make defense

the life they lived to give account

each word each act offense

Since wide the gate and broad the way

and enter therein many be

eternally damned and separate from God

forever their souls never free

Call all to find the straight aligned gate

the narrow road our God provides

the Son of God has opened the door

surrendered to Him with their lives

And solely this trek and only one chance

to humble ourselves to receive

the Savior mankind begotten of God

all others pale useless to cleave

And urgent my call and pressing my plea

thus each every day that I live

to tell all the world of God's greatest love

His righteousness freely to give

For all who attend pay heed my appeal

repent of your sins deep within

this Jesus who died your soul on His mind

the crucified rescued from sin


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