Friday, July 26, 2024

The Robbing Band of the Wicked - Psalms 119:61

In Psalms one hundred nineteen the Psalmist said, “I made haste, and delayed not to keep your commandments”, and in chapter one hundred nineteen and verse sixty-one of Psalms the Psalmist said, “the bands of the wicked have robbed me” where we read,

The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten your law.

The verse begins, “The bands of the wicked have robbed me: The Psalmist began with the words, “the bands” or “the cords, ropes, territories and companies” “of the wicked” which means “belonging to the criminals, guilty of crime, morally wrong, condemned and evil ones” “have robbed me” or “have protested against, encompassed and surrounded me, the Psalmist”. The Psalmist shared how companies of evil people surrounded and encompassed him.

The verse continues,but I have not forgotten your law.” The Psalmist added the words, “but I have not forgotten” or “however, nonetheless, notwithstanding and moreover I, the Psalmist, have in no way or manner ignored, ceased to care for, lacked for memory of and have been oblivious to” “your law” which means “your, Jehovah God's, direction, instruction, custom, manner and codes of law”. The Psalmist shared how he in no way was oblivious to Jehovah God's direction and instruction.

When we think through the words in this verse, we see how the Psalmist acknowledged that wicked and evil companies of people had surrounded him, however, he remembered the commandments and precepts of Jehovah God. God wants us to know His “law” because it contains the best way for us to live. God loves us, and He sent His Son Jesus into the world to be crucified on the cross for our sins. When we believe and trust in Him as our “Savior and Lord, He will forgive our sins, grant us everlasting life and remind us of His direction and instruction throughout all our lives.

Next time the Psalmist says to Jehovah God, “at midnight I will rise to give thanks unto you”, so read ahead, and we shall join together then.

Until tomorrow…there is more…

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